Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Time Out With Tiger

Our series of learning from our wise Wampus Cat Mascots continues!  For this post, we are spending some time with Tiger. 

Now, Tiger loves to eat!  However, he won't eat just anything.  You remember how he found goats to be unappetizing.       

He does have some favorites foods though.

Tiger intrigued by some soy beef wraps I was making.  Jared's helping him take a closer look.
Tiger loves cat food!  Don't worry, we don't normally let him have free reign on his cat food like this.

As much as we'd love to give Tiger whatever he wants to eat in whatever quantities he'd like to consume, we have to be careful to give him a healthy diet, so that he can remain a healthy Wampus Cat.

What about you, Wampus Cats?  Do you or your residents ever struggle with eating healthy on campus?  Eating healthy on campus is possible, but comes with challenges. 

Here are a few tips for eating healthy on campus:

Be sure to eat breakfast. Skipping it could leave you famished and cause you to snack on whatever's around later in the day. When it comes to A.M. options at the cafeteria, go for fresh fruit (cut up or whole), light yogurt, oatmeal, English muffins (with jam), high-fiber cereal (with fat-free milk), and omelets made with Egg Beaters. Avoid pastries, giant bagels with butter or cream cheese, and greasy breakfast meats.

Stay hydrated.  Drink plenty of H2O throughout the day.  Have a glass of water before you make the rounds of the dining hall to select your food.  This can help you feel more full and make healthier dining choices.

For lunch and dinner, try sandwiches and salads.  Make yourself a salad or sandwich of lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, lean deli meat (like turkey breast), and other no-guilt salad and sandwich toppers.  Try out the low-fat sub options available at Subway!

When it comes to hot items, go for grilled chicken, veggie burgers (in lettuce buns!), and baked or grilled fish. Stay away from mayo-packed deli salads (like tuna salad), creamy or cheesy pasta dishes, and oversized subs.

For snacking, your best bet is to keep guilt-free emergency snacks with you at ALL times. One reason college students may put on weight while at school is that they're SO busy and find themselves unprepared when hunger hits; so they grab whatever food they can, whenever they can. Bad idea! Keep your residence hall room stocked with great stuff you can eat in the room AND grab and take with you. Try whole fruit (like oranges and apples), high-fiber snack bars with 200 or fewer calories, jerky, and 100-calorie packs of almonds. Keep your micro fridge stocked with light string cheese, fat-free yogurt, and baby carrots or other veggies.

Be aware of any alcohol consumption.  If you or your residents choose to drink alcohol (off campus of course), be aware of the calories in the alcohol you are consuming.  Click here for an extensive list of the calories present in different forms of alcohol.  If you or your residents do choose to drink, be sure to do so in moderation, to stay safe and healthy.

An important part of being a happy and healthy Wampus Cat also includes engaging in regular exercise. 

Here are a few tips on fitting exercise into your busy schedules:

Walk to class instead of taking the bus. 

Take the stairs instead of the elevators.

Check out the workout options available through UT Rec Sports.

Attend a TRECS workout class with your residents. 

Invest in a few workout DVDs so that you can exercise any time you like.  Crunch Fitness offers some great DVDs catering towards a wide variety of fitness interests and levels.  Try one out in one of your common areas as exercise program with your residents.

Start an intramural team with your residents.  For information on UT Intramurals, click here

Find physical activities that you enjoy and focus on how they make you feel.  If you tune into the relaxing, stress relieving consequences of exercise, this can motivate you to stick with your exercise routine in the long run.

Here are the sources used for this post.  Feel free to visit these sites for additional resources and tips: 


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