Thursday, September 23, 2010

Famous Felines

Did you know, many people speculate that Ptolemaic Egyptian Queen Cleopatra VII had cats?

Some say that Cleopatra's cats had access to the royal palace and freely roamed the city and great temples under guard.  Awesome!

Image from Google Images

If someone as powerful as Cleopatra chose to live with cats in her royal palace, cats are obviously very influential creatures! 

Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra in the film Cleopatra.  Image from Google Images.

While you may not live with Cleopatra, as Wampus Cat RAs, you can tremendously influence the residents you live with. 

Never forget the positive impact you can have on your residents through continuing to build strong communities on your floors and in your buildings!  Here are some great online resources about how RAs can be a positive influence on their residents: 

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