Friday, September 17, 2010

Humes and Reese Classy Cocktails Program

On Thursday, September 16th, Humes RA Megan Cusick and Reese RA Chris Porter put on a "Classy Cocktails" mixer program.

RAs Chris Porter and Megan Cusick.

Both Megan and Chris advertised for this program by giving the residents invitations to attend the event.  Chris posted a sign on his floor emphasizing the opportunity for free food, drinks, and the chance to meet some lovely Humes ladies.  Megan posted a sign on her floor as well and, at the start of the program, had the Humes RA on desk make an announcement encouraging residents to come down to the Humes West Multipurpose Room for drinks and snacks.

Megan and Chris made up mocktails, which are cocktails without alcohol.  The Shirley Temples and virgin Strawberry Daiquiris were a big hit!

On the bottom of the cups, marker was used to write "R" and "UD" on the bottom of the cups.  The "R" was for roofie and the "UD" was for "underage drinking."  Markings like this are a great way to facilitate discussions about these topics in substance abuse education programs.  Residents often don't notice indicators like these at first, but later on when they do notice them or they are pointed out to them, educational conversations can take place.

Megan and Chris also distributed an educational pamphlet on alcohol and drinking.  This pamphlet is available in the West Area Programming Office!

There was a great turn out of residents at this program.  Everyone seemed excited to enjoy the cocktails and food and mingle with residents from another hall.

This program was a good way for residents to meet new people and learn about safe alcohol practices.

Nice work, Megan and Chris!

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