Monday, August 23, 2010

Meet Your Mascots!

Perhaps you didn't realize this, but here in the awesome West Area we have REAL LIVE Wampus Cat Mascots! Seriously, we do. They are named Paws and Tiger.

This is Paws:

And this is Tiger:

These Wampus Cats are actually my cats. Now, don't start freaking out. No, they do not stay in my apartment in the Apartments Residence Hall. Not only would I of course never break housing policy, I would never house our mascots in hostile Fainting Goat territory. Paws and Tiger stay at the off-campus apartment of my wonderful fiancé, Jared. Here he is with Tiger:

Jared's apartment is west of campus, so he is totally a West Side Wampus Cat.

In order to assess Paws and Tiger's dedication to becoming our live Wampus Cat Mascots, I ran a little experiment. Being the good psychologist-in-training that I am, I decided to show Paws and Tiger a picture and ask them how it made them feel.

This is the picture I chose:

If this picture looks familiar at all, you may have seen it previously on the Fainting Goat Gazette Blog.

Tiger and Paws had very noteworthy reactions to being shown this goat picture. Tiger promptly sat on the goat and showed his ferocious tiger qualities by ripping it to shreds.

It seemed that Tiger did not care for the taste of goat.

Ms. Paws' reaction was more subtle, but just as noteworthy. While she expressed initial curiosity about the goat:

She promptly stalked off, uninterested. It was as if she was saying, "Let me know when you have a picture of an interesting creature to show me."

The message was clear. Paws and Tiger gladly accept their responsibilities and title as the live West Area Wampus Cat Mascots! They are ready to represent you with pride and obliterate any goat that comes into their path.

Bad goats, bad goats. What'ch ya gonna do, what'ch ya gonna do when the Wampus Cats come for you?

If you like, you can see more pictures of Paws and Tiger here.

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