Thursday, September 30, 2010

SCRA Spaghetti Night

The lovely ladies of the hall association of South Carrick, SCRA, hosted a Spaghetti Supper on Tuesday, September 28th.  You could smell the yummy aroma of the spaghetti from the lobby of South Carrick, and this brought lots of residents out to the event.  Dinner nights are a great way to bring out residents and allow them the opportunity to socialize with each other. 

Wampus Cats in line to get their spaghetti!

The SCRA ladies serving up some delicious food!

Residents helping themselves to the food and refreshments.

SCRA set up tables with butcher paper and markers for residents to leave their names and room numbers.  What a cool idea!

There were lots of festive decorations!

Fantastic job, SCRA!

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