Monday, October 4, 2010

Morrill Hall Program - Eat This...Not That

Morrill Hall RA Sarah Gregory did a lovely program entitled "Eat This...Not That" on Thursday, October 7th.  Here's Sarah's description and photos of the program:   

The program was entitled Eat THIS...Not THAT, and I had a total of 9 girls participate. I asked each of the girls to find a partner on the floor who was not their roommate or suitemate to encourage them to meet new members on the floor. Once they arrived, I had them make a sign that said "This" on one side and "That" on the other side.

For the game, I selected various restaurants around campus such as KFC, IHOP, and Subway, and selected two foods from each. I then described each item of food, and asked them to guess which had the least amount of calories. They discussed with their partner, then held up whether they thought it was "This" or "That." In between rounds, I was able to talk about foods that may seem healthy, but are packed with TONS of calories. Also, sometimes, it's alright to splurge and eat what you want! For example, my girls were shocked to learn that an a spinach and mushroom omelette has more that twice as many calories as a short stack of pancakes with syrup. As a prize for participating, all of the girls and myself are going to attend a Cardio Hip Hop class together, then come back to the lobby and make our own smoothies. This program was a great way to talk about good eating choices and have a good time as well!

Thanks for sending in your photos and program description, Sarah!  Wonderful job on your program!  :)

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