Friday, August 6, 2010

Welcome Wampus Cats!

Image from Google Images

Greetings to all West Side Wampus Cats! We are so excited to start this year!

First off, who are the West Side Wampus Cats? Why, the West Side Wampus Cats are the RAs and headstaff members of Hess, Humes, Reese, North Carrick, South Carrick, and Morrill of course! These just happen to be all the best halls on campus! Imagine that!

Now, what is a Wampus Cat?

Image from Google Images

Let's consult a source and find out: Because of the terrible ferocity of this deadly creature, very few people have seen it and lived to tell the truth. This beast that moves with the velocity of a cheetah, is a cross between a wild cat, the badger, and the lobo wolf. The Wampus Cat is a long, lean animal with deep blood colored maroon markings on its golden fur. It has 6 legs, 4 for running at the speed of light, 2 for fighting with all its might. This frightful beast has yet to become extinct. On the slightest provocation it will fly into such a frenzy of rage that it will attack and rend into pieces anything in its path.

There have been recent reported sightings of Wampus Cats throughout Knoxville:

These mysterious creatures can be quite beautiful:

Wampus cats can also be charming:

Wampus cats are stylish:

Wampus cats have been known to have extraordinary Morrill Combat skills:

There were reports of Wampus Cat domination at Lip Sync:

Where the Wampus Cats soared to new heights:

And declared they did not like green eggs and ham:

Now, there have been reports of awful acts of vandalism on UT's campus:

The Wampus Cats are ready to put a stop to these shenanigans!

So, while some may mistakenly see the Wampus Cat as an innocent, sleepy kitten:

The Wampus Cats are fighting back!

Vengeance is near!

Be afraid, Apartments Area Fainting Goats. Be very afraid.

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