Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Reese Fight Night Program

On Sunday, August 29th, some of the men of Reese hosted an Ultimate Fighting Championship in the Reese West Multipurpose Room. RAs Drew Griggs, Michael Brewington, Daniel Conrad, Nick Jones, and Parks Miller collaborated together to offer this event. Co-programming is an awesome way to have higher attendance at your programs and allow residents the opportunity to get to know other residents on different floors!

Some refreshments were provided for residents as they watched the fight. Food and beverages are an excellent way increase attendance at your programs!

It was decided to have the program on Sunday evening, even though the fight took place Saturday evening. This was done to better accommodate residents' schedules and get a better turnout. The result was an excellent turnout of residents coming together to watch an exciting beat down! Getting to know what days and times work for your residents is a great way to help get more of them to come out to your programs.

Nice job, Reese!

Don't forget, if you'd like to see your program featured on the Wampus Cat Blog, you can sign up on the Programming Calendar in the West Area Programming Office:

You can also take photos of your program and e-mail them to the Wampus Cat Paparazzi at sstambau@utk.edu Each hall is equipped with its own digital camera, so ask your head staff about using it, if you'd like to.

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