Tuesday, February 1, 2011

North Carrick "Find Your Study Buddy" Program

On Sunday, January 30th, North Carrick RA, Tyler Graves, hosted a "Find Your Study Buddy" program for his residents. 

Tyler's goals for this program included: 
- Help residents find classmates who are in/have taken the classes they are in now.
- Help residents understand time management skills.
- Help residents develop better study skills.

Tyler had a sign to publicize this program:

This sign was placed in the elevator lobby, which was a high traffic area on his floor. 

Tyler had his residents come to the Study Lounge with their class schedules.  Tyler had his residents group up with people who have similar class schedules.

Tyler also talked with his residents about how to manage time and always have a planner active, along with giving them some general study tips.

Helping your residents form study groups and find study buddies is a great way to help them succeed academically! 

Good job, Tyler!

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