Monday, November 15, 2010

West Side RA of the Month for November - Vincent Charlow

Congratulations to RA Vincent Charlow of Hess Hall for being selected as the West Side RA of the Month for November!

Let's here what Vincent's nominators, the Hess Hall Head Staff, had to say about why Vincent is deserving of this honor:

As a head staff we have decided to nominate Vincent Charlow as RA of the Month for October. Vincent has done an excellent job all year, but he really showed us why he was such a great choice for our staff in October. The month of October started off with the flood on K 4. Vincent was one of the first RAs to report to the floor and made one of the first attempts at plugging the sprinkler. Due to an equipment malfunction he was unsuccessful; however he knew exactly what to do and responded accordingly. Once he completed his attempts at plugging the sprinkler, Vincent was very instrumental in clear the 4th and 3rd floors of the K section. Finally, Vincent was the one who identified the two students that were responsible for the flood which allowed us as a head staff to hold those students responsible.

For some reason Vincent has been called to respond to several very sensitive student situations. In October he responded to a situation that required the utmost care, and he handled it with grace and maturity. Especially considering that the student that was involved was in serious need of help and attention. Vincent stepped in, made the right calls, and got the student the necessary help and kept a cool head through it all.

Finally what was most notable about Vincent in the month of October was his organization of the program “Two Hands, One Sandwich”. Vincent organized this program to help Knoxville Area Rescue Ministries. Vincent petitioned URHC for funding to get enough bread, meat, cheese, peanut butter, and jelly to make over 400 sandwiches to feed the homeless here in Knoxville through KARM. He set up a table in the lobby, provided hand sanitizer and gloves, and encouraged residents to stop and make one sandwich. Vincent set up the program to last from 10 am to 3 pm, but due to the overwhelming response all the sandwiches were completed by 1:45pm. “Two Hands, One Sandwich” was an amazing program that made a difference not only in the lives of our residents but 400 homeless people around the city of Knoxville.

For these reasons, and many more, we feel that Vincent is more than deserving of this honor and we nominate him without reservation for Area RA of the Month!

Here are the other awesome West Side RAs nominated for RA of the Month in November:
Beka Patton - South Carrick
Megan Cusick - Humes
Tyrone Beach - Morrill

Way to go Vincent, Beka, Megan, and Tyrone!!!! 

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