Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Humes Hall Alcohol Awareness Program

Some of the lovely ladies of Humes put on an excellent alcohol education program on Monday, September 27th.  Humes RAs Brook Beasley, Brittney Turner, Jess Evans, Courtney Putzel, Carrie Underwood, PJ Hord, and Brittany Wiseman organized this program and brought in UTPD.   

The UTPD Officer talked with residents about alcohol problems on campus for a few minutes to begin. The UTPD officer talked about alcohol problems on campus for a few minutes to start it off with.

Then, some residents played Mario Kart Wii with drunk goggles on and others tried to walk a line that was taped down on the floor with the goggles on.  

The UTPD officer talked about what police were looking for when they pull drivers over and have them take a sobriety test. There were 8 signs that people were intoxicated when walking the line, and after each person walked the line, he would go through and tell us what they messed up on.  

There was great attendance at this excellent program! 

Snacks are a must to bring people out to your programs!

Fabulous job Brook, Brittney, Jess, Courtney, Carrie, PJ, and Brittany!  Special thanks to Brook for e-mailing in the photos and event description! 

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