Monday, March 28, 2011

Hess Hall Caribbean Cook-Off

Hess hosted a Caribbean Cook-Off program on Wednesday, March 9th.  This program had awesome attendance and featured some amazing food!  Over 100 people participated and $100 was raised for the St. Lucia Association for Persons with Developmental Disabilities.  Hess RAs Dadrien Barnes, Matthew Moore, and Stephanie Pierce coordinated with Hess Hall Council to host this program.  

This program featured a Caribbean cooking competition.  Vincent Charlow's Cooking Team took first place!  On this team were Jessica Newsom, Alexia Greene, Cep Rice, Jasmine Milligan, & Simone Jones.  Stephanie Pierce's Cooking Team had Shafer Belisle, Aeron Glover, Matt Moore, & Cedric Brown.  Dadrien Barnes' Cooking Team had Heather Thomasson, Angela Frantz, Martin Binhammer, & Kamilah Mull.

Way to go, Hess!  :)  What a fantastic program!

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